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Summer - Week 10

This week, I am working to get the dynamic time warping functionality into my program. The process of doing so includes re-processing the features to include the time series, putting each series back together when we construct sequences, and then performing the DTW to generate a number that will be used to compute the kNN of each sequence which can then be used for predictions with the models. The processing time of these activities has gone up significantly since we have been using five different metrics with each of the F phase datasets. I am returning to school next week, and once I've completed the DTW processing all that will remain before we put together our second paper (The date for the reach journal we would like to submit it to is October 1), I am hoping I will have time to look again into the Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering concept, which I did not successfully complete when we explored it earlier in the summer and then changed focus to the paper. We heard back

Week 9

Wrapping up last week, I have my stat-calculating script working well and am ready to move forward. My partner, Alexa, and I have decided that we should start to begin working collaboratively on the next step of the project involving multiple data frames. To do so, we will be using a github repository. I have limited experience with the git tools, so I took time in the past week to try and gain a better understanding of the functionality that will be available.

Alexa and I have also decided that instead of taking a break from the project itself to begin our literature review, we want to have some measure of both each week. We'll start by taking a more in-depth look at many of the sources utilized in the proposal for our project and studies published by Doug Weeks and Gina Sprint that are related to our current work. We hope to follow source material from those papers to find more relevant literature going forward.

Dr. Weeks discharged the two patients that were enrolled in the light study on Sunday, and as of yet, he has not identified any new subjects.

In the upcoming week, I intend to work with Alexa to start working on a fine-tuned version of our sleep analysis and stat-calculating programs for a single subject. I will also work on populating the shared spreadsheet we've set up with summary information on potential review materials. In order to organize the sources that we find, Alexa and I have set up a Zotero library. This will make it easy for us to keep track of what we've found and where we found it.
